Peace Corps Volunteer Experiences: August 31, 2010 to November 24, 2012

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today I observed two of my peers coteach classes and also cotaught my own while they observed me. It was a pretty awesome day. The class was only 45 minutes, and some of the classes are 90 minutes and I now know that those are going to be exhausting.
The counterpart Nicaraguan teacher, Juan, is absolutely amazing and really nice and open to our ideas.
There has been puring rain and wind for the past week, and it has been cold. There is this tropical storm thats hangin out in Nicaragua on the Atlantic coast. I didnt take a shower yesterday and I´m not sure if I will today because its too cold. hehe
Shoutout to Darlene for downloading all of these popular spanish songs onto my computer the night before I left so that now my family can think I´m cool because I recognize the songs (and like them).

1 comment:

  1. yay!!! I got a shoutout! hehe I miss you! Glad you're liking the music. I will have to make u a cd and send it to you!
