Peace Corps Volunteer Experiences: August 31, 2010 to November 24, 2012

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Tienes un espejo en tus pantalones? Porque puedo verme en los." - Anonymous

That title is a little risky in case a student or my counterpart see it, but I don´t think they will. This week I had my first kids´ class and it was kind of a failure; hopefully more people come next time. On the 30th, the environmental education volunteers that trained in Dolores (the same time TEFL volunteers had training, they came in with us) came back, including the guy that lived in my host family`s house, so I hung out with them, had some beers, shared some of my Trader Joe`s goodies, it was nice. Also the lights went out for longer than they ever have before, right after we removed the largest spider and cockroach I`ve ever seen (not in a cage) from our house. On the 31st I went to Niquinohomo, hung out with my host family, visited with Andrea, Sam, Julie and Matt, and partied with my host family, and said people came to party as well, in addition to Jane, the small business development volunteer who lived with my family during her training, and her Nicaraguan boyfriend. In Nicaragua, New Year`s parties don`t really start until midnight. I didn`t know that until this day. That was fun. Sunday was an adventure. Today there were goodbyes but I`m gonna see these people again in a week for counterpart day and in-service training that we have next week. I`m stressed about my four classes this week, but I`m excited for a concert that I`m going to on Saturday. I felt more close to my Niquinohomo host family than I ever have this weekend when my host mom played with my hair extensively. K my internet time is almost up. Peace.

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