I really never know what to write here anymore. Tuesday and Thursday English classes are over, school starts February 15th. I was supposed to be reaching out to some teachers in a rural area of Diriamba, called San Gregorio, to work with them during the school year, but I had planned to meet them today at TEPCE, which is a monthly teacher meeting to reflect and make basic plans for the following month, but there was no TEPCE today, probably because the school schedule got moved around and now school is starting later, so now I have to figure out how I`m gonna do that before Peace Corps thinks I`m a slacker. My sister brought me some dried mangoes from the states and they are delicious and are not gonna last very long. I have appreciated all of the food that has been sent to me, but I think I`m good now, and won`t be needing anymore. =) In terms of health, I just have allergy issues, but I`m handling it. I`ve also been losing a lot of hair, which could be stress but could also be the malaria pills I`m on, so I might have to change those, which I wouldn`t mind because they are the most disgusting pills I`ve ever taken. I`ll probably get a blood text next week to make sure I`m not deficient in anything or something. And my host mom has recommended a shampoo that worked for her but I`m afraid it just might be something for old people hair loss, not this kind of hair loss. Ummm...I need to actively start looking for another place to live that is just as ideal as the one I wanted. Oh yeah, I had dinner with my would-be neighbors, a young couple, and that was nice. We`re going out for pizza in Diriamba (which apparently has delicious pizza) next Sunday night. Alex (my host nephew) is in love with some girl from Rio San Juan, which is a long bus and boat ride away, and he spends hours on the phone with her and texting, and it`s really entertaining making fun of him; and we bond over our relationship problems (if and when we have them). My sister`s family got another really cute puppy, and named it...Pelusa, and now they just ignore the ugly one, Doky, who is not as cute but I still love him even though he is necio (naughty). Oh yeah, and 80 percent of the pets I know are named Pelusa, which just means like, furry, or fuzzy, like it`s like everyone in the states named their pet...Shaggy or Furball or something. There are some videos and pictures that I want to upload to facebook but every time I come to the cyber I remember that I want to upload them too late, and decide I don`t want to pay for more than an hour of internet time and that I`ll do it the next time. My sister also brought me a few office DVDs, and I`m halfway through them already. Actually, yeah, what I do want is TV shows, I would LOVE TV shows, or movies, but mostly TV shows because they last longer. Glee maybe, I would say Lost but people have told me if I watch those I won`t get ANY work done. More Office. Ummm, I`ve heard of this show called The Wire, which is supposed to be really really good but I know nothing about it.